Cancel Culture Dictionary


  • Condition : New
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Broadside Books
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Pages‏ : ‎ 240
  • ISBN ‏ : ‎ 9780063325685

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Product Description

You may know Jimmy Failla as the best dressed man in cable news. A force multiplier of positive energy on the radio who sounds like he gets paid in Tequila and Tide Pods. But he’s also a former New York City Taxi Driver who’s spent countless hours conversing with people from all over this planet and several planets you’ve never heard of.  It’s those chats with hobbits, hookers, and time travelers that fill The Cancel Culture Dictionary with the unique perspective and savage self-awareness we need to escape the outrage era society is stuck in.

Let’s face it. Life in this country was WAY better before the Smart Phone came along and made us infinitely dumber. Social Media has turned our “shining city on a hill” into a Real Housewives episode on Bravo where every day is a constant cat fight about politics. Weaponized censorship and runaway speech policing has left many people unable to tell the difference between a comedian and a criminal. Although to be fair, sometimes they’re the same, in Bill Cosby’s case.